15-15-15 Principle: Invest Smartly Monthly to Earn Up to Rs.1 Crore

Many people hesitate to invest because they do not know the correct calculation of how much to invest. By investing Rs. 15,000 monthly, you can earn a substantial amount, even up to Rs. 1 crore.

This is the essence of the straightforward 15-15-15 principle, a promising path to your financial goals.

Here’s how to implement it: The first “15” means investing Rs. 15,000 monthly. The second “15” means investing only in options with a 15 percent interest rate. The last “15” means investing strictly for 15 years.

Many people need help finding a 15 percent interest rate. However, mutual funds SIP is a good option.

Remember to do SIP only for direct and growth options. If you are willing to take some risk and seek higher compounding interest, you can invest in stocks or a mid-cap mutual fund.

Remember, the 15-15-15 principle is a practical guide for long-term investment. Its straightforward nature should give you confidence in your investment journey.

15x15x30 Rule In Mutual Funds:

  • First 15 Means: Monthly SIP of Rs. 15,000/-
  • Second 15 Means: CAGR 15%
  • Third 30 Means: Consistently For 30 Years.

Total Investment Rs. 54,00,000/- (Rs. 54 Lakhs) Value After 30 Years – Almost Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rs. 10 Crore)

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