TGLI Missing Credits 2024, How to Clear and Avoid policy missing credits?

The Telangana State Government Life Insurance (TSGLI) Department has provided detailed guidelines on clearing and avoiding missing credits for 2024.

These instructions are available on the official website, Missing credits can be a significant issue for policyholders, leading to lapses in their insurance coverage. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to address and prevent this problem effectively.

What Are TSGLI Missing Credits?

TSGLI missing credits occur when the premium payments made by Telangana State Government employees need to reflect correctly in their insurance accounts.

This discrepancy can arise due to errors in personal information, incorrect policy numbers, or issues with the bank’s payment processing system. Ensuring these credits are accurately posted is crucial to maintaining continuous life insurance coverage under the TSGLI scheme.

Steps to Clear TSGLI Missing Credits 2024

To clear any missing credits in your TSGLI account, follow these steps:

Submit Posting Details: Provide your posting details, including the month, TSGLI premium amount or loan installment, token number or voucher number, and the total amount of the TSGLI schedule. These details must be attested by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO).

Challan Remittance: If you paid through challan, submit the relevant posting details, such as the month, premium amount or loan installment, challan number, challan amount, and the date, along with attested documentation from the DDO.

Include Full Policy Details: Ensure that you include the complete details of your policy numbers and the names of the employees for whom the challan was paid.

Name of the missingTSGLI missing credits
WebsiteTelangana Government and Life Insurance
TSGLI Policy Missing Credits

How to Avoid TSGLI Missing Credits

Preventing missing credits in the future requires careful attention to detail:

Verify Policy Numbers: DDOs must verify the accuracy of TSGLI policy numbers in the schedules against the department’s policy bonds. Incorrect policy numbers can lead to missing credits, as premiums cannot be correctly posted to individual accounts.

Consistent Recording: Once the correct policy numbers are recorded in the schedules, they should remain the same monthly. To ensure accuracy, employees should verify their TSGLI policy numbers at least once a year.

Permanent Record in Service Register: Record the TSGLI policy number on the first page of the Service Register (SR) as a permanent reference.

Update Missing Credits: DDOs should consider deputing establishment staff to the respective District Insurance Office to update premiums in case any credits are missing.

Clearing and avoiding TSGLI missing credits ensures that Telangana State Government employees maintain uninterrupted life insurance coverage.

Policyholders can address any issues with missing credits by following the guidelines provided by the TSGLI Department and preventing them from occurring. Regularly verifying policy numbers and timely submission of accurate details are crucial to avoiding these discrepancies.

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