money saving tips

Save Money, Save Future: Easy Financial Tips

Most people have very little monthly income, but daily expenses are high. Therefore, they feel sad that they cannot save for the future. Are you in the same category? But don’t worry. You can reduce your expenses and increase your savings with simple tips. Let’s see what those tips are. Why is there a delay? … Read more


Gratuity Calculation: How Much Money Receive at Retirement?

Gratuity is a significant benefit for employees, providing a financial cushion even if the employee leaves or retires after working for at least five years in the company. Understanding this benefit is crucial for all employees. It is applicable in both public and private sectors. Gratuity is calculated based on the employee’s basic pay and … Read more

Best Investiment Plans - Best Savings Schemes

Maximize Your Wealth: Smart Investment Tips and Rules

In today’s fast-paced world, managing money effectively cannot be overstated. This involves balancing spending, saving, and investing to secure financial well-being. Earning money is not enough; it should be spent regularly, and investments should be made for future needs, following certain principles to ensure adequate assurance. 30 Percent Rule: Never use more than 30 percent … Read more

money saving tips

The Secret to Building Wealth: Multiple Income Streams

Secret Formula for Wealth Creation: Financially settled and successful people suggest knowing the difference between being rich and being wealthy. A rich person earns and spends, while a wealthy person earns, saves, and plans to grow their wealth. The critical difference lies in the wealth secret formula of working with money. A wealthy person understands … Read more

money saving tips

Cutting Costs: How to Reduce Expenses and Save Money

Cutting costs is something we’ve known since childhood. Back then, we used to save the pocket money from our grandparents and carefully stash away money given by relatives. Even though we didn’t have much experience in achieving our goals at that age, we still managed to control our expenses. So why is it so hard … Read more

7 Tips to Get Out of Debt Quickly

Financial Discipline: 7 Tips to Get Out of Debt Quickly

A poet once said that a man who does not owe is not a man, and in today’s world, this rings true. Everyone seems to be in debt, even if they never intended to borrow money. Financial institutions are offering credit like never before, and while we may take loans to meet our needs, there … Read more

money saving tips

Study Abroad: Manage Your Money Effectively

The number of students choosing to study abroad is increasing each year. A good career prospect is an additional incentive for foreign education graduates. While foreign education used to be mainly for the wealthy, now even the middle class shows interest. However, the cost of such education can be burdensome for students. Managing money effectively … Read more


Inflation: The Silent Thief Stealing Your Money

It’s a harsh reality that the value of money is steadily eroding due to inflation. For instance, a car that costs ten lakhs today could easily double in price after 15 years. The same goes for house rent and food costs, which have seen a significant uptick compared to a decade or two years ago. … Read more