Farmers Insurance: Get Rs.5 Lakh under Rythu Bima Scheme

Great news for farmers! The government, in its unwavering commitment to the welfare of our farmers, has announced an important update on the Rythu Bima Scheme, which is expected to bring relief to many.

The 2024-25 farmer insurance year will commence in Telangana on August 15th. Those aged between 18 and 59 are eligible for this scheme, while those who have turned 60 will no longer be included.

Insurance will be renewed for the remaining 45.13 lakh eligible individuals. Although the application deadline was August 5th, 2.74 lakh new candidates were identified, bringing the total number of people covered by the insurance to 47.87 lakh.

In its continuous efforts to support the families of rice donors, the government has made the farmer insurance facility under the Rythu Bima Scheme in Telangana easily accessible.

Each farmer is entitled to a life insurance benefit of Rs. 5 lakh. Agricultural officials have suggested that all farmers not covered by the government’s insurance scheme should apply.

The application process has been simplified, and applicants can join the scheme by submitting documents such as Polam Patta and the Aadhaar Card.

It is worth noting that the state government is implementing the Rythu Bima scheme in collaboration with the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), one of the leading insurance companies in the country. The state government will cover the life insurance premium amount for eligible farmers, freeing the insurance.

In the event of accidental death, enrolled farmers can rest assured that their families will be taken care of. They will be eligible for a sum insured of Rs. 5 lakh, which will be paid to their families. Nominees will receive the money within ten days.

This scheme is open to young farmers aged 18 and above and rice donors under 59, reaffirming the government’s commitment to the well-being of our farmers.

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